Here are some of skills that I developed in the course of the last decade, in order to solve business questions, getting day after day even more challenging.

I developed these skills for 2 reasons: (a) I needed them to be more efficient and (b) … I love writing code.

  • SQL : CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) MySQL and Teradata system on a daily basis, mainly SELECT complex queries to perform the required analysis. Ability to quickly understand and navigate through complex datawarehouses.
  • Python: Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda and directly via SublimeText3, forecasting via machine learning models such as Prophet and sarimax. Usage of packages such as SciKit (data science), Pandas (data manipulation), matplolib (data visualization), seaborn (data visualization).
  • Business Intelligence softwares such as Qlikview and to some extend Tableau Software, in order to design and build dashboard and reports.
  • Building all the code for the analytics website which helps people with no coding skills building a forecast and run a simple customer segmentation, using Django Python Framework
  • WordPress: webmaster at (>1K unique visitors per day, which includes automated affiliation links), (shopping for men)
  • Notions in HTML, CSS (also via Bootstrap), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Google Analytics tracking
  • PhP via Laravel and Artisan command line usage.
  • Usage of Ubuntu / Debian (Linux OS) on personal usage – and bash script automation (also using cronjobs).